Thursday, 23 September 2010

How to Blow Dry Your Hair?

Although all of us are aware of the fact that blow drying, pressing and other techniques that use heat on the hair can damage it, yet we need to blow dry some times.
If you have a head wash and cannot go to office with dripping wet hair or you want those pretty curls for a night out, you have to take recourse to a blow dryer.
However, there are ways which when followed can ensure least hair damage yet at the same time give you the style and shine you intend to get. Below are listed some ways to improve your blow drying technique
Use a moisturizing shampoo rather than your regular one. Its moisturizing effects will not only give you better results but also protect your hair from the heating effects of a blow dryer
Do not towel dry your hair. Just wrap your towel around wet hair and squeeze gently to stop dripping of water from hair. Towel drying will damage your hair and give them frizz and split ends. It is better to work on them when they are a little damp. For very short hair, you can rub your hair with a towel gently in circular motion. You are not required to dry your hair completely before blow drying. Just take care that your hair are not soaked.
Divide your hair into 4 to 5 sections if they are long or medium. If they are short just make two partitions. You can also make use of hair clips for long hair. Take care that your hair are not tangled.
Always take care to blow dry by keeping some distance from the scalp. Maintain this distance throughout the process. It will protect the heat from affecting the scalp. Take care to blow dry always in downward direction and never upwards. Blow drying in the upward direction causes more damage.
Always keep moving the blow dryer around so that the heat does not affect any one particular area. Blow drying concentrated on one particular area for long can burn that area of hair greatly. Leave your hair a bit damp and let it dry naturally. Comb them gently and follow it by using an anti-frizz serum if needed.

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